Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Malnutrition and Obesity in the same family?

Many commentators have stated the surprising combination of both childhood malnutrition and parental obesity in the same family.

Mainly within deprived areas.

The answer is obvious, they cannot afford sufficient sources of quality proteins and fats and rely on cheap carbohydrate.

Carbs provide energy and will fatten the parents, but they are empty in terms of growing bone, muscle, brains and all of the rest that children need.

So the children are malnourished and emaciated, whilst the parents who are fully grown have excess blood sugar that is converted to fat via the release of Insulin.

So, instead of the parents wickedly starving their children and eating all of the food (which is not what parents in any species will do, but is the internal bias of the observer) it is a function of the cheap, carb-rich, diet that they eat.

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